Meet Yul D. Anderson: The man behind "FutureTalk"
I started my career in Future Studies at the University of Massachusetts Future Studies Department, under Dr. Peter Wagshall. I founded the African American Future Society after working in government and a short stint as a temp at the Sawyer Miller Group in New York City. The African American Future Society was founded in New York City and was invited to participate in many of the United Nations Conferences around the world. I then attended the World Future Society Conference in Washington, DC and was introduced to Rashmi Mayer, Hazel Henderson, Jerome Glenn, Mel Foote, John Harshaw, William Halal and Tomas S. Browne, and many others who came to assist the Society in its founding years.
I then began writing for African Profiles Magazine and attended many of the African-African American Summits convened by the late Reverend Leon Sullivan. I then lived and worked on democratization initiatives in African; first in West Africa with the Sierra Leone Republican Party and later in East Africa for KANU (Kenya African National Union), and other agencies during Kenya's free elections. I continue to engage African Americans in discussion about the future.